rural vitalization

rural vitalization

Improve the look and infrastructure of villages, drive the economic, social and cultural growth of rural areas in a sustainable way, and build a beautiful countryside

Rural vitalization is underpinned by pleasant living environments, social etiquette and civility, effective governance and prosperity. Therefore, poverty alleviation is the prerequisite for everything. Vanke responds to the arrangement of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Government regarding Shenzhen’s pairing assistance to Heyuan and Shanwei, with the intention to improve the look and infrastructure of villages, drive the economic, social and cultural growth of rural areas in a sustainable way, and build a beautiful countryside.

Invigorating and rejuvenating Xiankeng

Xiankeng village is located 60 kilometers east of Dongyuan County, Heyuan City, Guangdong province, and has a history of more than 400 years. Vanke fully leverages its expertise in preserving and repairing ancient buildings, and contributes to inheriting history and traditional culture, creating cultural and natural tourist attractions, and incorporating artistic elements, with Hakka culture at the core of all these efforts. We have successfully launched the project of renovating ancient Hakka octagonal buildings and tetragonal buildings and the project of rebuilding the Dengyun Academy to restore the traditional look of ancient Hakka buildings; we also made minor rectification of the village without damaging the original landscape to improve local infrastructure; meanwhile, Hakka culture is explored and kept alive to enrich the villagers through the cultural tourism industry.

Building a rural mobile library

With the reconstruction of Dengyun Academy, Vanke has introduced about 4,000 books in partnership with Heyuan Municipal Library, making Dengyun Academy a mobile library of Heyuan. Dengyun Academy Library has become the second classroom of Xiankeng Primary School, which enriches the children’s after-school life. The academy, which has been around for nearly 200 years, will continue to nourish students in Xiankeng.

Planning the industrial prosperity of Xiankeng Village

“Industrial prosperity” is the focus of rural revitalization. Through analysis of Xiankeng Village’s resource endowment, we have planned two industrial paths for Xiankeng Village, research cultural tourism and sales of organic agricultural products. In the promotion of the research and cultural tourism industry, we have organized historical data mining and interviews with the elderly in the village; in reference to the suggestions of experts in ancient architecture, Vanke organized exhibitions in two ancient buildings, which attracted tourists, elementary and secondary school students from surrounding areas to embrace the architectural beauty and cultural heritage of Hakka round houses, and carry forward Hakka traditional culture and Hakka spirit. Thus far, the project has received over 200,000 tourists. In terms of organic product sales, we have actively worked on Xiankeng tea leaves, and endeavored to double the sales volume and sales price by upgrading the original product packaging.

Characteristic Red Culture Landscape in Jinxiang Town

Jinxiang Town is located along the Jieshi Bay in the southeast of Lufeng, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province. After a systematic survey and analysis on Jinxiang Town and an interpretation to successful domestic and international cases, Vanke starts the renovation of the rural landscape from public spaces based on red culture. Through the planned advancement of the protective repair of Jinxiang Red Site and the construction of related supporting facilities, the “T” tourism spatial pattern with Jinxiang beach as the horizontal axis, and Zhou Enlai’s Former Residence, Zhou Enlai’s Sea-crossing Route and Zhou Enlai Monument as the vertical axis has been established.

Constructing the Zhou Enlai Memorial Park

Zhou Enlai Memorial Park is located in Zhouzhu Village, Jinxiang Town, Lufeng, Shanwei City. The park faces the sea in the south and Zhouzhu Village in the north. The relief sculpture of Comrade Zhou Enlai crossing the sea takes into account both historical narrative and artistic expression. The diversified language of sculpture tells the glorious historical chapter of the Jinxiang people who protected Zhou Enlai and other leaders of the Nanchang Uprising in crossing the sea with their sincerity. Red historical and cultural resources have been incorporated into the public spaces and people’s daily life, realizing the close connection between history and reality, meeting the functional needs of culture and education, and helping to create the signature landmark of Jinxiang Red Culture.

Enhancing the living environment

Through several surveys on the existing public resources of Xiapu Village and Zhouzhu Village, Jinxiang Town and the requirements of villagers, we have made rational use of the current empty spaces, squares and public buildings for “Acupuncture style” micro renovation. While the village’s original features and historical memory have been kept, the living environment of the villagers has been improved and their spiritual life has been enriched.

Funding the construction of Xiapu Primary School

We have funded the Xiapu Primary School Reconstruction and Expansion Project according to Shenzhen standards, and constructed the new teaching building, teachers’ offices and rest rooms of 1,600 M2 in total. The old teaching building is renovated, a steel structure connecting the corridor between the new and old buildings added, and the landscape trees and rotating slides through the two-story teaching buildings installed. And multimedia teaching machines, computers, electronic class cards and other equipment have been purchased. The project is constructed in stages without disruption to the normal curriculum and fully completed and put into use in June 2020. Xiapu Primary School is invigorated and highly favored by local teachers and students.

Supporting the rejuvenation of the charming Guangxi

On June 11, 2020, Vanke pledged a donation of RMB 150 million to Shenzhen Eastern and Western poverty alleviation collaboration in 47 villages under the supervision of the State Council Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development and 6 counties yet to be lifted out of poverty in Hechi and Baise, Guangxi. The funds were to improve the local infrastructure, enhance industrial development, promote steady employment, labor service cooperation, and lift the livelihood of people and welfare level.

